Bentley & Co has the distinct pleasure to market this very good size 2 bedroom apartment to the lettings market.
This fabulous property boast 2 airy double bedrooms, a bright and spacious reception room which can be converted to the third bedroom leading to a private balcony, an integrated kitchen with all modern appliances, fully tiled bathroom and a separate wc. The property has been newly refurbished throughout to a very high standard including laminate flooring, available furnished.
The property is fantastically located in Mornington Crescent with Regents Park and Camden High Street only a short walk away. The property also has fantastic transport links including Mornington Crescent tube station with a wide range of bus routes to various destinations.
Viewings highly recommended. This property is ideal for a maximum of 3 student sharers looking to rent for the next academic year.
Please call the lettings department to arrange viewing slots straightaway and avoid disappointment on 02074249944
Fees Apply
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